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What Customers Are Saying About GOLF NOW! Chicago

I can say first-hand that Golf Now! Chicago is a beautiful publication. It is highly regarded in the hospitality community where a lot of golfers have easy access to the magazine and concierge assistance to reserve tee times and more. Cheryl Justak and her team are well connected in the golf industry and ready to help with recommendations and full planning of group outings! You will have wonderful returns on your investment. I highly recommend this for marketing your golf course and its services.

Sheryl Novak
President and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer)
Inspiration Concierge Group

Hi!  Just a note to compliment you on your GOLF NOW! Chicago guide to the Chicago area. I picked up the guide recently in Arlington Heights and enjoyed the quality of the publication. Great to see good things are still in print.  Keep up the fine work!

Dave Ehrhardt, CMAA
Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, Activities Director
Phoenix-Talent School District

Hi Alex!  Cheryl is the Publisher of GOLF NOW! Chicago, Chicagoland’s Premier Golf Destination Guide. We met this morning to discuss next year’s guide and your name came up.  I think Chippopotamus would be a great addition to GOLF NOW! Chicago.

Cheryl is a joy to work with, and it would be great exposure for your storefront.  I invited her to your ribbon cutting later this month but thought an e-introduction would be appropriate.

Happy connecting!

Mary Freda-Flores, Communications/Media Manager
City of Crown Point

Hi Cheryl,

Hope all is well.  Just wanted to thank you for the suggestions for our recent Valparaiso Baseball Golf Trip to South Haven, Michigan.  We played Lake Michigan Hills, HawksHead and The Ravines.  Great courses and they treated us very well.  We stayed in a 100-year-old renovated home that slept 22, a five minute walk from downtown.  Went to Clementine’s in South Haven, Modeles Winery near Saugatuck and Three Blondes Brewery in South Haven for our dinners.  Would definitely do it again.  Thanks again for the help!

Daniel Legler, Sales Executive
Energy Systems Group (Recently Retired)
Valparaiso University Baseball Captain, 1978

Dear Cheryl,

I received a copy of “GOLF NOW! Chicago”.   Looks great!  Congratulations.  It is always wonderful to hear from former students.  Many are remarkable stories of success.

I hit age 92 in December and am still involved with Global Alliances, College of Business, Northern Illinois University.  Because of the virus, my work came to a halt.  I am still considered a “Special Advisor on China, Russia, and Central Asia” and I’m still on the speaking circuit – and still involved in meeting and events planning and organization.

Professor Harry Lepinske, Chairman

Hi.  I am looking for a golf package for 2.  We are looking to stay and play courses in Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana if that is possible. Our trip details are:  We are arriving on Aug 31st and departing on the 7th, but not playing those days.  We are flying in and out of Midway and would like to play 5 rounds during that week. I can be reached via phone to discuss details.  Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you and working together.

Rusty Hamilton

Thank you, Cheryl!  The information you provided was extremely helpful and we were able to book several of these courses.  We are looking forward to exploring Midwest golf!  Thank you again and take care.

Joseph Hamilton

Dear Cheryl,

Thank you for your generous donation to the NCA-Chicago Chapter Silent Auction this Spring!   We appreciate your support of the Chicago Concierge Community and the work we do to connect concierges to the Hospitality Industry through education and networking.

Judy Sunvold
Loyola University, Director of Events
NCA-Chicago, President Concierge Services

Flor Sigoran
CBRE Host, Senior Experiences Concierge
NCA-Chicago, Vice President

Hi Cheryl,

I hope you just had a beautiful, sunny weekend like we did up here!  It was a pretty good winter for Gaylord (not as much snow as usual, but way more than most of Michigan had), but I am so ready for spring!

Sorry we missed you in Chicago, but Eileen let us know you stopped at the booth.  She loved your publication, by the way!   Your article was such a delight to read.  I love articles like this that give such a first-hand look at all the Gaylord area has to offer.  We’ll push this out on our digital channels and send our audience to your magazine – win all the way around!  I agree your guide turned out great this year and it really is an excellent golf publication!

Please keep us on your list to contact about advertising for 2021.  Chicago is an excellent area for us to have a presence in and I hope we can work with you in the future.  If you can send rates my way late in the summer, we’ll definitely look at adding it to our marketing plan.

Hope you and Mark enjoy your spring.  Take care and keep in touch!

Christy Walcott, Director of Marketing & Communications
Gaylord Tourism Bureau

I’d like to thank you for the great relationship we have had since meeting my first year here at Ravines. Advertising with you has always been very beneficial for Ravines and I appreciate the many players you have introduced and personally brought to my club over the years. As you know I will be moving over to Sunnybrook Country Club in February. I will still be available to help with anything you need and hope to continue our relationship. Please let me know what more you need from us to get this round of ads complete for you. Thanks a lot, and I’ll talk to you soon!

Rob Charter, PGA, General Manager/Head Golf Professional
Ravines Golf Club
Saugatuck, MI

Hi Cheryl,  Thanks for inviting us to present.  And thanks Sylvia for your help as well. You can tell that is a very tight-knit group of people who have their fingers strongly on the pulse of what is happening in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. We appreciate the opportunity to share the story of the BMW Championship with them.  If any of the CHCA members have any questions, please feel free to pass along my contact information.

Matt Starr, Sales and Marketing Director
BMW Championship
Chicago, IL

Golf Outing & Event Planning Services

Thank you so much for making “Miracles Happen” — the group that went to Medinah Country Club — came to my desk yesterday and raved. Everything was perfect — from the location, to the food & drinks, to the service — they were so happy and pleased (needless to say all their guests were awe struck). The gentleman that sponsored them had asked for brochures — they had none with them, but will send some to me and in return I will send to you to give to the sponsor. Again, that was so kind and thoughtful of your friend and his friend (unfortunately in today’s world we do not encounter such kindness and thoughtfulness).

And last but not least – what can I say to you = You have been most gracious and considerate – always there to help and assist – you are a Rock Star in my book –You made their dreams come true. Thank you, again.
In Service through Friendship,

Bobbi Chiodo, Chef Concierge
InterContinental Hotel Chicago O’Hare
Member: The Chicago Hotel Concierge Association
The National Concierge Association, Chicago Chapter
Les Clefs d’Or U.S.A. LTD

Cheryl – I wanted to thank you for everything you have done to help out our tour. Yesterday’s event was great and your donations for raffle prizes put it over the top. After you left, we had nearly 30 members sit around talking about their rounds, watching scores come in and excited about the raffle prizes. I think back to our initial press release and recall the fact that you were the only publication to call on us and how thankful I am that you did! It’s great to be involved with you and Golf Now! Chicago and I look forward to a continued relationship and success for both our endeavors. Let’s keep in touch and I have a call into Makray to see if I can get you a deal out there. I will touch base soon.

Thank you again,

PS – When your pictures from Makray are ready, send them over so I can post them on our site. I did not post a lot of pictures of Joe, with the hopes we can make the cover next year (fingers crossed).

Rob Maguire, Chicago eGolf Tour Director
Chicago eGolf Tour

Many thanks to you and Mark for hosting this great event. It was such fun and already I am excited about next year. Yesterday, Jim and the fire chief of Elmwood Park played Ruffled Feathers on the “concierge program” and loved it! The rate of $75 is great….we are really trying to promote this to our guests and internal managers. Additionally, I am working on my hand out sheet for “golfing”, a concierge “cheat sheet” and would love to get your input.

Talk to you soon!

Paula Fortney
Chef Concierge
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Member of The Chicago Hotel Concierge Association
Member of Les Clef’s d’Or
Chicago, IL

Cheryl, Thank you so much for inviting me. I had a blast yesterday and even hit a few good balls. You did a great job and everyone I talked to yesterday had a wonderful time. You know how to throw a party! I definitely want to get into golf so I will be getting to the driving range very soon. I know you were busy yesterday so we didn’t get a chance to chat but I would love to get together next time you are in the city. Let me know, otherwise I will see you for sure on June 21st at the CEC event.

Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Robin McKay
Director of Sales & Marketing
Ditka’s Restaurants
Chicago and Oak Brook, IL

Hello Cheryl! Thanks again for having us, it was so much fun and the entire event was a blast. We will definitely keep you in mind for any golf-related needs and please keep me in mind for any other golf events that may come up. Thanks again and we will talk soon!

Robert Cordell, Guest Relations Manager
Park Grill at Millennium Park
Chicago, IL

Hi Cheryl! This is awesome, thank you for everything! I did pass it on to Brian and Gordon and will keep promoting the program. You are wonderful, we appreciate your support of Ruffled Feathers and look forward to working with you for years to come.

Lisa Lutz, Director of Tournament Sales
Ruffled Feathers Golf Club
Lemont, IL

Hello Cheryl … Thank you again for a terrific day of golf! How fun to get together with my peers and vendors. Thanks again to you and Mark and Ruffle Feathers – it was a great day! I am excited about getting into more golf this year.

Jackie Berry, Concierge
Sofitel Hotel Chicago

Had a wonderful time, Cheryl. Thanks for all of your hard work that made it such a fun weekend!

Moira Hawk
White Hawk Country Club
Crown Point, IN

Good afternoon, Cheryl! I wanted to thank you so much for allowing me to be your assistant once again. You have been so supportive and gracious. I tell everyone how fortunate I am to have someone like you and Mark in my life. You’re the best!

Sylvia Rollins, Concierge
Inn of Chicago
Chicago, IL

I am so impressed with your organization and eye for details. You have done an excellent task with our ” Chix With Stix” Getaway, and once again I thank you for your willingness to do such a weekend as this. It is so nice to be able to go away without having to be concerned about anything. Hopefully you also have that experience at times.

Lori Balkema
Sand Creek Country Club
Chesterton, IN

Cheryl, Contact me when you’d like to come out with Peter. I will make the arrangements for you. Thanks for continuing to think of The Glen Club!

Ed Jackman
Director of Membership Sales
Glenview, IL

Golf Now! Chicago, Chicagoland’s Premier Golf Destination Guide

Thad & Cheryl –First of all thank you for getting me a sneak peek at the golf magazine, very appreciated.  Secondly….WOW….looks great!  I love it and I can’t wait for it to be released.  Thank you very much for everything!!!

Rob Maguire, Tournament Director
eGolf Chicago Tour Director
Chicago, IL

Hi Cheryl,  The magazine looks fabulous!  Thanks for the extra copies.   I’m going to distribute them this week, so all locations should have them by this weekend.  Also, thank you again for the excellent placement and exposure in the 2010 issue!

Amy Larrick, Director of Marketing
Stefani Restaurants
Chicago and Suburban Locations

Got the golf magazines today!  Thanks so much for the prompt delivery.  I will let you know if we need any assistance with booking tee times.

Charles Kerl, Concierge
Chicago Palomar — A Kimpton Hotel
Chicago, IL

Hi Cheryl, Thanks for the golf books. They are great!

Cheryl Rule, Concierge
Sutton Place Hotel
Chicago, IL

Everything is in my office!!! Thank you SO much for the putter…and the guides are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations and good luck on a successful season!!!  Talk to you soon.

Sheryl Novak, President
Concierge & Event Services World Wide, Inc.
Chicago, IL